I have been blessed to have God perform Several miracles in my life. One of the most memorable happened in Mexico while on a missions trip. My youth group was traveling from village to village in the mountains preaching to the locals.
While setting out one day our youth pastor asked someone how far the village was from the compound we were traveling to. The basic gist was that it
was only a short distance. After filling up at the closest "
petrol" station we headed out. If I remember correctly we were told the village was about 45 minutes away. Four and a half hours later we were just about out of gas. FYI, when in Mexico don't believe a word you are told concerning time or distance. Please trust me on this one.
Our youth pastor believed that this would be a great time for prayer. We all agreed and began
fervently asking God to deliver us from our
predicament. While praying I was assuming that God would provide a
"Good Samaritan" with extra gas to save us in our time of need. He did not... Instead, our youth pastor began shouting for us to look at the dash.
To our amazement the needle on the
fuel gauge went from E to F! I am not joking. It was an undeniable miracle.
I had
often wondered why God saved us in such a
Miraculous manner. A few years I believe I got my answer. I sensed God telling me that He provided us with such a profound salvation there could be no reasoning the event away. You see, I cannot deny God was involved in helping us. A "
Good Samartian" might have been reasoned away as
There are times when God's Miracles are Miraculos in nature if I can put it that way. Don't put God in a box. I know it sounds like a cliche, but allowing God to provide for your needs in the way that seems fit him will help you accecpt His help instead of relying on yourself. It will allow a deeper faith to grow in your life as you go through other trials since you have been a personal witness to His power manifest in your life. Finally, your testomony will help strengthen the faith of others as they hear your witness.
The three elements listed are not an exaustive list by any means. feel free to comment with your own thoughts about how God's Miraculos Miracles make a difference in our walk with Him.