Monday, March 2, 2009

Jesus in the belly of the whale

My three year attends preschool two times a week for a couple of hours. He told me the story he learned One day about Jesus in the belly of the whale. Apparently Jesus was depressed about His situation. It's a good thing He had "Jonah there to rub his back to make Him feel better."

While my son was somewhat mistaken about the details of the story he is learning about God. (By the way, we did teach him the real story). I love the fact though he understood God is always there for us. Even in the belly of the whale. No matter the situation you are in, God is with you. Even if you won't go to Nineveh unless God steps in to lend a hand -or a whale.

No doubt Jonah had a Whale of a story to tell when he washed up on the shore of Nineveh whose god was a fish like creature. WOW!