Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I promise to keep this short. Here are a few things that really tick me off.

  • People who complain about partisan politics. I voted for someone who shares my ideals, not someone who will vote your way. If that is partisan, I am OK with that.
  • People who believe that the government is giving you something for free. Where do they think there "free" health care will come from?
  • People who believe that the government is giving you something for free. Where do they think there "free" health care will come from? It's worth saying twice.
  • Finally (for now) people who believe that I should pay their way in life. I believe in helping the poor, I also believe that when you vote yourself my money it's no different than robbing me.

That's enough for now. I feel much better.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Miraculos Miracles

I have been blessed to have God perform Several miracles in my life. One of the most memorable happened in Mexico while on a missions trip. My youth group was traveling from village to village in the mountains preaching to the locals.

While setting out one day our youth pastor asked someone how far the village was from the compound we were traveling to. The basic gist was that it was only a short distance. After filling up at the closest "petrol" station we headed out. If I remember correctly we were told the village was about 45 minutes away. Four and a half hours later we were just about out of gas. FYI, when in Mexico don't believe a word you are told concerning time or distance. Please trust me on this one.

Our youth pastor believed that this would be a great time for prayer. We all agreed and began fervently asking God to deliver us from our predicament. While praying I was assuming that God would provide a "Good Samaritan" with extra gas to save us in our time of need. He did not... Instead, our youth pastor began shouting for us to look at the dash. To our amazement the needle on the fuel gauge went from E to F! I am not joking. It was an undeniable miracle.

I had often wondered why God saved us in such a Miraculous manner. A few years I believe I got my answer. I sensed God telling me that He provided us with such a profound salvation there could be no reasoning the event away. You see, I cannot deny God was involved in helping us. A "Good Samartian" might have been reasoned away as coincidence.

There are times when God's Miracles are Miraculos in nature if I can put it that way. Don't put God in a box. I know it sounds like a cliche, but allowing God to provide for your needs in the way that seems fit him will help you accecpt His help instead of relying on yourself. It will allow a deeper faith to grow in your life as you go through other trials since you have been a personal witness to His power manifest in your life. Finally, your testomony will help strengthen the faith of others as they hear your witness.

The three elements listed are not an exaustive list by any means. feel free to comment with your own thoughts about how God's Miraculos Miracles make a difference in our walk with Him.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Rain

Who do you thank when you drink the rain? The band Waterdeep wrote “Many men will drink the rain and turn to thank the clouds” and I believe that to be true.

People tend to make God in their own image. Isn’t that what we want? A god of social justice or maybe a republican god. Christians are not immune to this either. Maybe we have a god who is really moving at my church and not at yours. Being judgemental is a great example of this. Whenever we judge someone we have set our own standards up as God’s standard. As we choose to grow we will deal with these internal struggles.

My chief concern with attempting to make God in our image is with those who choose not to

Non Christians rightly claim that Christians are hypocrites. That’s a good reason to need Jesus though. They can’t justify God’s “horrible treatment of the poor, the sick, or those who suffer across the world for no good reason. …”.

The problem with this thinking is that we will each individually stand before God one day and give our own account for our own actions. It won't matter what Johnny or Suzie Did. God will ask you how you treated those who suffer. He will ask if you heeded his call while those around you did not. If you have ever managed people before or been a parent you understand this well. When asking Johnny to account for unsatisfactory work/behavior you do not want to hear them say “but Suzie does the same thing”. There will be no excuses with God. If you do not want a relationship with Him in this life, you will not have one with Him in the next.

What then shall we do? I am glad you asked. Choose Christ, choose life, choose blessings, and begin to do good works. Sound simple. It is. Christianity is a “come as you are” religion.

Old Blog New Blog

Hey gang- I have imported my blog to this new account and hope to get back up an going again. Hope you enjoy.